Check out past articles of interest from the writers of Teenztalk.  Most articles are about college life, and living independently for the first time.  Trials and tribulations of learning about college life, and the world as a whole.


Thoughts of being a senior
by Tory Hayden - Creator of Teenztalk

Whew! I made it through my junior year of college!! So much went on will college life, that it went by faster than I could imagine.

There is no question as my years have passed in college, that it has gotten wayyyy harder.  My parents used to say "This won't be like high school".  And I will be ummm, "darned" it isn't! No one checking to see if you've done your assignments, no one making sure you actually study for that test/exam.  Nope, it's all about discipline and balance.  Learning the proper balance between college social life, sports, and studies.  This doesn't include getting your laundry done, yes folks, laundry!  No mom around to do that!

So as I enter into my senior year of college, I know I have a tough year ahead, but I keep in mind, only one year left, and then it's off to the world of work. So if it's all the same to you all, I think I will enjoy the last year of my college life!

Random Thoughts on College Life and the Revelation That My  Parents Were Right !
by Tory Hayden

People can try and prepare you for college, telling you all the great things and the pitfalls of being on your own for the first time.  But, of course we don't really listen to the advice being shelled out by our parents, especially.

I remember my mom telling me, "This won't be like high school, there won't be someone there reminding you to do homework or study for your exams!"  Of course I had heard it all before, and nodded with my usual complacency "Yea, mom I KNOW!"

My first year in college has turned out to be more challenging than I thought.  The freedom away from the watchful eye of my parents has been exhilarating and liberating but also a little scary.  It has been difficult balancing all the activities, the school work, practice (since I play softball), and not too mention the monthly allowance.  Don't get me wrong, I love being here, and I love the new world that has been opened up to me.  It's just different, and I am adjusting.

Some things I hope to do different in my next year are:  1.) Realize I have to spend more time studying than socializing, 2.) Eat more often in the cafeteria, as opposed to making Taco Bell and McDonalds richer, and 3.) Spend more time working out (exercising) to keep me in the shape that is most beneficial to my team, which is how I can afford to attend this college anyway.

You see, I have come to realize that it's not enough being here, more so that I really do have a purpose here:  that is to get the education that will make me the most successful I can be.  Placing academics above everything else, and still enjoy the college experience.